Monday, January 17, 2011

Milena Velba November 2009

have been hundreds of stories to tell, after the resignation of a tide of life seems calm and deprovista lashed by ocean currents. Carnival has until the end of medieval times and has enjoyed worshiping the Prince of Darkness .

6 to January 12 was at the Carnaval del Diablo, in Riosucio, Caldas (Colombia). Holiday that has no relation to Satanism. Because no religious worship the devil, but that old medieval symbol that represents fun, sarcasm and enjoyments. Here explained in more detail the party held every two years in odd numbers.

I must say that is alifetime experience, to understand the culture of the Colombian people. The first and last time that becomes a party of people for the people where political interests are relegated. Where the costume, party, collective laughter play the leading role ... where time becomes magical puffs of smoke and lights that pass with difficulty. There is 24 / 7 can not live otherwise carnival ... but yes:

is, without doubt, when you first pact with the Devil .

January 12or even a few minutes thirteenth day before you look in the eyes, between the smoke and flames that consume ... sadness corazóny you close the ferocity with which his people farewell moves you. The last words of his will resonate with the prefect sound of your mind ... close your eyes, dreading the final.

Then you decide, you open them and whisper to your insides with determination until you scream it sounds like the chorus of others that promise:

Devil Replica 2011.

"The remains of Prince melt into the darkness of the night ...
death is born of the Carnival. "


Community Service Through A Church


without clucking now:

the 1st review:

Well see, my choice for the first review is somewhat peculiar as it were ... this movie is, by some, considered a satiric masterpiece, and many (possibly most) the most vile and disgusting film ever made, "in four l of the two groups is my opinion? To be brutally honest, both.

Before continuing, my dear readers, those of you who are of thismagicians weak, puritanical moral and / or Italian super patriotic ... Honestly I doubt any of you have closed the window, in fact, I think now are even more eager to know what movie ; Cula question, but I want to love my readers and I worry about his mental and psychological health.

Well, I think enough tension built, the movie I'm talking is:

"Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom" , what makes this film so ... special? Well let's start by looking cagives one aspect of this movie.


This film is based on the work written by the Marquis de Sade called "120 Days of Sodom " , I must leave a very clear, unlike the other% 90 of people when I speak of Sade, speak no evil of depraved pedophile many people believe it is (even taking into account his writings, there is nothing left to feel guilty ) but I have researched his life and have read the work of Sade that nobody takes into account because it is not pornographic, and I know that Sade was, despiteall rare hobbies, a man who loved his wife, nature, freedom and life.

said, "120 Days of Sodom" is possibly his strongest work since he wrote a kind of "relief" during his stay in prison of the Bastille , were written in ink on a roll limited role, and July 14, 1785 when the Bastille was attacked, Sade believed that his letter had been lost forever, and in his own words "wept tears of blood & rdquo ; to their loss, possibly because he could never end the story, or to correct its many errors redaTsar to the very "Cannibal Holocaust"), loved by critics who understood its strong symbolism, the subject of many other objects of pleasure and for certain demographic groups (if you belong to the latter, okay, I'm not here to judge people, only books and films). Pasolini was murdered shortly after completing the film, evil tongues say that this was in response to the contents of "Salo", however the evidence suggests that the reason why it was killed, or ideology a communist or an extortionist who had stolen rolls of film. Whatever the cause, the theater, cinliterature ey lost a great man the day that this tragic incident. Now that we review this particular film's origins, will write the plot, which perhaps have noticed, I am somewhat reluctant to talk (Last warning guys, the only know what happens in this film will , losing any shred of innocence in their souls).

Trama (do not say that they are not ones I noticed): The film changed the scene of eighteenth century France to the Italian Social Republic (also n called Salo). The story is divided into

or example, at the beginning of the blood circle, tell the story of a man who got pleasure from torturing women) and then proceed to torture libertine youth according to the story told.

The story shows the human instincts at its lowest point, not just part of the Libertines, but these captives in one of the most infamous scenes, in order to save his own skin, will betray one another, culminating in the death of one soldier who showed any kind of humanity, after this scene, personally, I felt no sympathy for anyone in the movie macula. Alg

or my sympathy only lasted a scene (heartless bastard), however, I loved prostitutes, always monitoring the situation, being incredibly vicious and funny at the same time, you know is a good character when coprophagy sounds funny, but maybe that makes them the most frightening.

Photo: I must admit that this is not my strongest point, but if I can elaborate on the basics, as I noted, the Photography was a mediocre therefore, no data viewer of the film, may í to be confused with a film of exploitation.


Since this is an art film, I'll miss a lot of scenes where it seems they left the camera turned on and went to eat outside that, the movie maintains a certain pace, there will be a moment where you do not feel your soul has been violated.


appreciated the work of Sade, but the original text of 120 Days of Sodom, is the equivalent of an erotic fanfiction, Pasolini hizust cannibal and walked me dying of laughter (except when they kill the turtle, I like turtles), but Salo is really showing me the most vile and deplorable human nature which is good and bad at once. In conclusion, this movie has the honor of being one of my favorite movies while the film do not come back alone, perhaps with a friend look for help to understand symbolism and such, but see only my own will ... NO.

Rating: 8.5 out of 10

Well, thanks for reading another one of my delusions, my dear reader, I'm still getting used to this blogging, but I hope that the issues concerned are I your liking, if you have any topic you want to develop, complaints because at some point I said something offensive, or just think I'm ugly, leave a comment, unless anyone is reading this and you vacuum this writing but dammit, are delusions, and if nobody reads me, I will apply the de Sade and use this blog to "vent", lol. That passes good night.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Before And After Eybrow Waxing

"Stephen King or HP Lovecraft? One thing that readers of modern horror can not agree, if you ask a casual reader, they will probably tell you that Stephen King, Lovecraft desconosca possibly, or an author says it is overestimated, but book club questions a little more "empedermidos" (so to speak) going to give much credit to Lovecraft and King may be branded as a commercial author, or perhaps be accused of repeating the same stories over and over again (do not criticize these last, because I had my time snob in which repudiated King).

do not intend to be the final solution to this debate, however I qualifiedcar to the creatures most representative of these authors: Cthulhu, and "That." Fans of King

I think I should have used Carrie, Cujo, King Crimson, etc. / Fans of Lovecraft that I think I should have used the color of outer space, Yog Sothoth, Nyarlathotep, etc., I remind you that this is my thinking, not yours, if you have any comments, criticism, or correction, place it in a comment.

Now without further ado (Insert intro music wrestling).

In this corner, measuring a thousand feet, only the wings, tentacles with more flexibility than a gymnast from Romania and next master andp; oacute; No, I dare say, delicious, that even makes you feel like the apocalypse comes at you once you know that Cthulhu is free. ROUND 2: Modus Operandi

The modus operandi defines a good villain in many respects, these two bad boys are known for their terrible ways of acting, "Some will have more sadistic ways? "It": terrify their victims to death, psyche manipulate weak people, can also change shape (by joder nomas) Cthulhu: Even asleep handled much of humanity to fulfill their wishes , sends his servants (the deep, better known as people fish) to basically screw thehuman, creates storms and typhoons, basically very clear to us what we'd be screwed if it awakening.

Point: Draw The modus operandi of Pennywise seems much more sadistic and even poetic, but the modus operandi of Cthulhu is as impressive as it is basically a god to humans.

ROUND 3: Raison d'être

A good character usually has a good reason to act, a hero to save the world, to some orphanage, break a curse, and so on.; A villain usually wants to conquer the world, destroy their enemies, revenge, and a long etcetera.
But what is it that motivates ourcompetitors?
"It" : Its purpose is rather food, causing a wave of violence in the town of Derry, and feeds on its victims, sleeps about three decades or so and start again. We also implies that much of his behavior because "It" is female and want to protect and nurture their eggs ... so instead of creating sympathy, make you afraid.
Cthulhu: As previously mentioned, Cthulhu wants to rule the earth, but his race (the primitive or primary) have a higher purpose and incomprehensible to the human mind, it is said that these people want to destroy the entire universe and then to create something better.
Point: Cthuloctopus-headed dragon wings.
point: "It"

Unless that be afraid of sea creatures (like moi ) the appearance of Cthulhu will seem ridiculous, while even the most heartless reader at some point he was afraid that Pennywise appeared to him in the dark.

ROUND 7: Enemies
devil's life would be very boring without heroes who would ruin their plans, which is important for both the hero and the villain, even if the villain is going to take over the eyes of the public. "It":
A mystic turtle that does nothing, and a group of children (later adult) traumaontrar the beast in the novel. "It":
Derry, a town with great waves of violence, courtesy of Pennywise

Cthulhu R'lyeh , underwater city inhabited by a race of humanoid fish called "The deep" to describe their structure is beyond human capacity, Lovecraft only knows what other horrors lurk there.
point: Cthulhu

Although give me something rednecks fear in real life, the people of Derry do not compare to the horrors R'lyeh submarines

ROUND 9: Defeat Both
is important to introduce him as a villain, as is how to desenie Meyer). I do not think that the popularity of King is reduced from one day to another, but "It" is no longer the monster it used to be.

Cthulhu: Alone in the world of literature, the brief appearance of Cthulhu has shaped the modern horror is possibly one of the most recognized characters in the literary world and its influence on many stories, TV series , video games, etc. is very clear. point: Cthulhu

not called "Cthulhu Mythos" for nothing
Cthulhu: 6 - "It": 5

Cthulhu wins by a hair bald frog But if, Cthulhu has emerged victorious c